How to get a “Verified Supplier” status on Qoovee

It’s not a secret that the most important thing in business is trust of partners and customers. The higher the level of confidence in you, the more deals and orders you receive. Buyers on Qoovee are more likely to choose trusted suppliers because they understand that Qoovee conducts an audit of companies with confirmed  ”verified supplier” status on Qoovee.

What are the benefits?
  • High trust from potential customers. Customers will see that you are a verified supplier
  • High level of promotion on Qoovee
  • Priority in getting buyer’s inquiries
  • Access to verified buyers, etc.

Verification procedure for obtaining the “Verified Supplier” status 

  1. If you have not yet added your company, then register your company on
  2. Buy the corresponding PREMIUM plan on Qoovee
  3. Send the required list of documents for verification to The list of documents is presented below.
  4. Expect verification up to 7 days
  5. If the verification is successful, you will receive the “Verified Supplier” status and receive the corresponding icon on your page

Important note:

If your company receives a refusal from the Qoovee administration in obtaining the status of “Verified Supplier”, the money will not be returned. But the entire amount will remain on your account balance and you can use it for promotion.

In what cases the verification can be refused or in what cases  the ”verified supplier” status can be canceled:

  1. if an incomplete list of documents is provided
  2. if the data of documents is not confirmed during the verification
  3. if the supplier poses as another company or uses someone else’s brand and intellectual property, promotes and exhibits photos and descriptions of products/services without necessary rights
  4. if the supplier has an negative business reputation
  5. if the supplier is at the stage of liquidation or in a situation of threat of bankruptcy and liquidation
  6. if the supplier doesn’t have the official right to conduct business
  7. if the supplier promotes and sells or intends to promote and sell goods and services prohibited on Qoovee. You can see the list of prohibited goods / services on this link in point 3.5
  8. if the supplier is on the “black list” of the Qoovee directory due to previous violations of the rules of Qoovee Administration
  9. if the supplier does not fulfill its obligations to buyers
  10. if the supplier violates the agreements and contracts signed and accepted with the Qoovee Administration

List of required documents and materials to get the “Verified Supplier” status:

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity
  2. TIN of a legal entity
  3. Photo of the CEO’s passport
  4. If you have an LLC, then you need a photo of the passports of the main shareholders or participants (founders) of the company (with a share of more than 5%).
  5. If your company is an official distributor or copyright holder of any brand that you promote or intend to promote on Qoovee, then you must provide supporting documents for the rights of this brand
  6. Quality and origin certificates
  7. Other documents and materials that may be additionally requested from the Qoovee Administration, if required by the verification department

Still have questions? Contact us by mail or write to us in the online chat on the website